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RICS Diversity & Inclusion Conference, 29 June 2017

Group of attendees pose with Lucile Kamar, RICS Equalities Manager

After an introduction to the RICS D&I Conference in June 2016, further attendance in 2017 [held yesterday] was absolutely essential.

Along with passionate, personal testimonies from Kimberly Hepburn, Junior QS at Transport for London and Justin Carty, Senior Director CBRE, the breadth of knowledge and informed discussion with other attendees, was truly thought provoking.

Lucile Kamar, RICS Equalities Manager and Bola Abisogun FRICS

The RICS Equalities Team led by Lucile Kamar along with Amanda Clack, Matthew Howell and Mark Walley, should all be truly commended for their demonstrable attempt to address the myriad issues that exist within the surveying profession and in three years, significant progress has been made. The over-arching conclusion is that "we have started on the journey, but there is still, so much more to do".

Monique Royle, RICS West Midlands Regional Board with Bola Abisogun FRICS of RICS London Regional Board

In conclusion, I can say with some confidence - that amidst my personal campaign for change, during the last 18years - the RICS may not have been the first professional body in the UK to commence on a journey of 'cultural transition' but they are clearly making progress in seeking to ensure that ALL members of the surveying profession can 'openly' be themselves, in the workplace.

Looking forward to the 2018 conference, particularly as the profession enters its 150th year.......!!

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