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DCS Board Member, Ms Sophia Nesro wins industry award!

Ms Sophia Nesro - wins Rising Star Award

Many on the 'multi-cultural, diversity' circuit may well have come across future leader and industry talent, Ms Sophia Nesro.

Originally stemming from the CBRE MCN Network, Sophia was appointed to the DCS Board earlier this year and brings an array of skills including bags of positive energy, a wealth of talent and huge industry insight.

Earlier this year, [February 2018] and as part of the British Property Forum's [BPF] foray into the much needed conversation on innovation and inclusivity, Sophia attended 10 Downing Street with fellow BPF Futures Advisory Board members, to discuss the issue at length. In seeking to ensure that the key objective of the BPF Advisory Board - "attracting more diverse talent into the industry" - remained front and centre, Sophia was appointed to the BPF Advisory Board to offer her own contribution, in her capacity as a Commercial Property Manager. Further information about the role of the BPF Futures Advisory Board has been featured in an earlier news item and can be observed by clicking here

With notable and passionate contributions across the industry, Sophia was recently presented with a Rising Star Award for the Category of Facilities, Property and Construction at the Rising Star Awards at WeAreTheCity Top 100. Sponsored by the The Times and The Sunday Times, the Rising Star Awards aim to celebrate the UK pipeline of female talent, and were introduced to create female role models across various industries and professions. Such an award is truly befitting.

Known for her 'no-nonsense' approach in any debate, the Award recognises Sophia's passion for the industry and the work she has done and continues to do in encouraging young professionals to engage with and create the much needed momentum, presence and 'diversity of thought'......

Let's applaud and share the success stories as we continue to promote excellence across the industry, driven and achieved by DCS members, who themselves, seek no more than an opportunity to fully exploit their "individual potential".

Well done Sophia; watch this space.........!!

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