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RICS request DCS Chair to support Rules of Conduct [Consultation]

DCS Founder and Chairman, Bola Abisogun OBE, FRICS is approached by RICS to help with current challenge of shaping new Rules of Conduct for the ‘next chapter’ of growth for the global Surveying profession.

So why are we here; well principally, the new document proposes combining the Global Ethical Principles and the Rules of Conduct, and provides indicative behaviours to help members, firms and clients to have clarity about what good professional conduct looks like [RICS spokesperson].

But before we embark upon why this critical piece of work is required to be undertaken, let us take a moment to remind ourselves as to why the Rules of Conduct ‘RoC’ are so fundamentally important;

· What is the purpose of the ‘RoC’?

· Why are the ‘RoC’ an absolute requirement as part of the APC process?

· How easy are the ‘RoC’ to define and apply in ‘tangible, real life’ scenarios?

· What is the public facing purpose of the ‘RoC’?

· Why should there be a public interest in them?

All of the above, are critically important to the role of any aspiring or practising Chartered Surveyor, irrespective of their geographic location on the planet, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and/or ethnicity. Position within and/or size or firm makes no material difference at all, as we are ALL bound by the same rules and both respect for each other and a commitment to diversity, remains an intrinsic part of being a ‘great ambassador’ and successful practitioner. In many ways, the [RICS] Rules of Conduct, present every Surveyor with the ‘guiding principles’ that help to shape the character and professional demeanour of each and every individual. Member firms have and are measured by similar requirements, which are of course upheld and delivered by RICS members themselves.

“When I qualified in 1999, the ‘RoC’ was quite descriptive in both nature and content. The equivalent document being considered today, is much more streamlined and vastly reduced in both quantum and content. The common denominator apparent in both eras, whether 1999 or 2020, is their ultimate and overarching purpose [which but for any supplementary amendment(s) to account for legislative change(s) elsewhere]; is as stated on the RICS website]” _ Abisogun OBE

[Excerpt from RICS]:

The RICS Rules of Conduct set out the standards of professional conduct and practice expected of all RICS members, students, trainees, and regulated firms.

The Rules provide a strong foundation for RICS, its professionals, and the firms it regulates, helping to protect the public and uphold the reputation of the profession.

The Rules of Conduct demonstrate to clients, consumers and the public the high professional standards that RICS professionals and firms work to. Being able to show that you are a qualified RICS professional or that your firm is regulated by RICS provides independent external confidence.

The Rules of Conduct for Members are mandatory for all RICS professionals, students and trainees regardless of their geographic location and sector of practice.

Rules of Conduct for Firms are mandatory for all RICS regulated firms.

"Never before have the principles of sustainability and respect been more important, that’s why we want to embed them into what it means to be an RICS professional....."

Dame Janet Paraskeva

Chair, RICS Standards and Regulation Board

With that being said, the RICS has just this week [effective w/c 05.10.20], embarked upon a review including an open consultation with members and the wider public. The consultation is due to close on 7 December 2020

To assist the wider conversation amongst members, the RICS will also be holding a webinar on 22 October 2020 to further engage with members of the profession. More details to follow.


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